Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spring Break 2015

We went to CA for spring break-4 nights in Orange County and 4 nights in LA.  Lots of shopping, eating, hanging out with friends, pool time, TMZ bus tour (we are nerdy that way!) and a comedy club (note to self-inappropriate for young children also means inappropriate for teens).

I had taken K's phone away for midnight texting and a few other things.  I decided not to bring our iPad so we could have a technology free trip.  Unfortunately I forgot my iPhone.  Spending 8 days with no technology was difficult-especially since we had plans with friends and getting in touch was difficult.  But is all worked out and we survived!  I didn't have my camera so the only pictures that I have are the one Stacy texted me.

K's favorite part of the trip.  Hanging with Stacy's hairless cats.  She really, really, really wants one.

K doesn't look too happy for someone surrounded by cute boys!

Stacy (AKA Martha Stewart West) made K this cute easter basket