Thursday, May 27, 2010

Field Day

Field Day is always so much fun! This year's favorite games were tug of war and a game that involved putting on men's clothing, running and then taking the clothes off, all as quickly as possible.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Up A Tree

We have had a beautiful spring! K has spent a lot of it in the cherry tree.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Communion

K was a little nervous but everything turned out perfectly. Lunch afterwards with the godparents.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


K had another break over Easter but since we had just been to Hawaii we stayed in town. We did have a big adventure! We went to a wild animal park that is a couple of hours south of Atlanta. I swear this place made me laugh until I cried! They recommend that you take the bus through the park or rent one of their vans. That all sounded dull so we drove our own car-I think I was lucky that my mirrors weren't knocked off or any lights broken. It took a few minutes to figure out that I had to roll my windows up. The animals stuck their heads in my window and would not budge-the girls were in the back seat with the treats. Once I had the windows up we were able to forge ahead. The girls (Aiden went with us) were a little leary at first but once they warmed up to the animals they had a blast. My car was covered in animal slobber!