Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Shake The Bag

As they say in Sea Island Bingo, sometimes you just have to shake the bag.  When we got home from Wisconsin I got a letter from K's school informing me of some major changes.  Nice, since school was about to start and I had signed a contract and paid non-refundable tuition last December.  A quick email to the school with the mention of the word attorney and I got a full refund.  Schools NEVER refund tuition.  A kid has to die before they refund tuition.  So I had to come up with a quick plan.  There really are no schools in Atlanta that are a good fit. One is a possibility but it is an hour commute and the second largest private school in the country.  That would never work.  Last year I thought about moving to Dallas but our house did not sell.  I decided to lease a townhouse for the school year in Dallas and see how it goes.  l leased something furnished-sight unseen.  Thank goodness for an old friend in Dallas who is an incredible realtor.  So tomorrow we fly to Dallas.  It is a good thing that I am dangerously close to being a person who lives in Lululemon so we are packing light.  I had to rush out and get K some school clothes.  She cannot believe that she can wear nail polish and a fleece in class if it is cold!  We will come back home for Labor Day weekend and drive back with the cat and dog.  I had not planned on another summer road trip.  We will see how things go.  There is an LD school in Dallas that looks like it could be a good backup.  Who knows?  We may spend winters in Dallas and summers in Atlanta.  Just how I had always envisioned my life-a summer home in Atlanta.  And as luck would have it, my cousin's child is going to stay in our house while we are gone.  Everything fell into place so easily, I feel like it was meant to be (except for the driving with the cat and dog part!)


a. said...

Wow never a dull moment, right? Good luck with the transition!

linda said...

Best of luck!!!!

PiLibrarian said...
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PiLibrarian said...

Yowza!! Good luck to both of you. When does K. start school?
