This summer is flying by. We got home from Chicago, did laundry and hit the road (actually we flew and drove) to Minnesota. K loves all things Asian. Technically she is Asian since Kazakhstan is an Asian country. My cousin's children have gone to Concordia Language Camps in years gone by-German, Spanish, K decided that she wanted to try Japanese camp. When I signed her up I didn't realize that the Japanese camp is not in Minneapolis but in FAR western Minnesota. We weren't really comfortable with putting her on a bus to who knows where so I decided to take her. Sooo.....we flew to Minneapolis, drove to faaaaarrrr western Minneapolis, I came to a rolling stop (just kidding), dropped her off and hauled back to Minneapolis to catch the last flight back to Atlanta. Flight was delayed and I got home at 2AM. Most annoying part was that they did not speak English at the little tent by the side of the road where I dropped K off. I spent the whole week worrying that I dropped her off at the wrong spot. I think she was happy to see me go. For some reason I got an huge Expedition when I rented the car and when I opened the door I forgot how high up I was and fell out. Between that and the guy speaking Japanese to me and worrying about catching the last flight back to Atlanta my nerves were a little frayed. Fast forward 4 days to Friday. I flew back to Minneapolis-flight delayed, got in at 1AM. Stayed at a kind of sketchy hotel near the airport and got up ay 6AM to drive out to faaaarrrr western Minnesota to pick K up. We got home at 11PM and K had grabbed the wrong green duffle at the airport. Luckily, the owner lives in our neighborhood and we go to the same church. Whew!
A quick stop for lunch in Fargo, ND, the closest town to K's camp-K was so tired she said she didn't sleep all week
I made her pose in front of the Fargo Ale tap. Good beer! So much for my mother of the year award. Seriously I should get a mother of the year award for all that driving and flying!