Last night we went to the rodeo with Kimmie, my bestest, bestest, bestest friend from high school. It was a beautiful evening, cool and not a cloud in the sky. A rodeo in Aspen is not like a rodeo in other parts of the country-picture LA/NY cowboy chic. Next time we go I will have to stop by Kemosabe to pick up just the right cowboy clothing. We had yummy barbecue when we got to the rodeo. They had all kinds of fun kids activities-sheep riding for the little kids, calf chasing and mechanical bull riding. And the best part? The actual rodeo only lasted about 30 minutes. After the barrel racing and bull riding they had a country western band and marshmallow roast. Kimmie always has the best time when we come to Aspen because she gets to do all of touristy stuff. Thanks for always being such a good sport and such a wonderful friend for so many years! (I'm not saying how many!)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Girls Gone Wild
K and I are headed west on a Girls Gone Wild trip. We will spend this week in Aspen. A little work for me and a lot of play for both of us. Next week we are going to CA-the OC to be exact. Hard to believe that I used to live there. We are going with our friends who live in Florida-Terri, Kaitlin and Kelly. They used to live in OC at the same time that I did. And they moved to Atlanta at the same time that I did. And then on to Florida. Actually, I used to work with Terri's husband which is how we all know each other. We are really looking forward to this trip-Kelly was born in OC and wants to return so she can see where she was born. Terri was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer 3 years ago and has been through many rounds of chemo and radiation. Last spring, the cancer spread to her hip and she had to have part of her bone removed and a rod put in. And recently lesions showed up in her lungs. Terri has a great attitude and is determined to see her girls graduate from college and be settled in life. This trip is a break that they all really need-I am glad that are able to share it with them.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Weekend at the lake
I picked K up from camp on Friday and we headed up to Lake Summit in North Carolina. A nice cool change from the 98 degree Atlanta weather. We stayed at my friend Kathryn's house. Kathryn is so sweet-quintessentially southern. Her house is so much fun, she has a tee pee, ping pong table, craft room and a great boat house. We had so much fun boating and tubing! And Kathryn is a great cook! We picked Charlotte up for the day on Sunday because the camp she at just happens to be at Lake Summit.
K and Kathryn

K and Kathryn looking for rocks

K fishing-one of her favorite things to do

Beautiful sunsets

Best buddies

Feeding the ducks
Thank you for a great weekend, Kathryn!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Up Against The Wall..... neck mother. Uncle Mark has very eclectic taste in music and when I saw that Jerry Jeff Walker was doing a concert at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens I asked them to come up. And guess what? Uncle Mark and Aunt Kathy came to Atlanta with no kids! Sarah is in South Africa do an internship for law school, Stephanie is in London working for the Philharmonia, Jonothan is in London visiting Stephanie, Richard is at lacrosse camp and Harrison is at a three week algebra camp at Duke for talented and gifted kids (that does not sound like a whole lot of fun to me-poor Harry!)

Uncle Mark and K took a nap

Uncle Mark trying to convince K that he could pierce her nose with a paperclip-yes, he teases her like her just like he teased me when we were growing up!

K all ready to go out for dinner

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Camp today?
No way! Could you send a child to camp who is having this much fun? K has been in tennis camp this week-sort of. Monday when I picked her up from camp she said that she didn't feel well. I told her she would be fine and drove to the bank. While we were in the drive thru line, K projectile vomited all over the car. Three times. And there we were in the drive thru line with cars in front of us and in back of us. Poor baby! K didn't go to camp on Tuesday. Wednesday she had language therapy and horseback so she didn't go to tennis camp. And I let her stay home today because she and Ellie and Annie were just having too much fun!
Winston had the car detailed but I am thinking that I need a new car. I need new tires and a major service so it must be time for a new car.

Winston had the car detailed but I am thinking that I need a new car. I need new tires and a major service so it must be time for a new car.

She has the frog on her head again. What is up with that???
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
They're baaaack.....

This afternoon when we pulled into to the driveway we noticed the most exciting thing happening next door. Fredrick was in the front yard having a toy sale. I liked his sign that said "Tons of toys for sale....and Gatorade." His mom told me that she made him add the Gatorade part because the toy part looked so pathetic. But I liked the fact that he was trying to sell some old SpongeBob toy that used to belong to K for $9.99. I think it originally cost $4.99. K bought Fredrick's karate belt for $5-she only had $1 so she still owes his $4, I am sure he will not let her forget. Fredrick was so excited-he had a big cup full of money. He told me that people kept driving by and just giving him money. You gotta love life in Buckhead!
Our neighbors have been gone all summer and K has been so sad. She is so excited that they are home! Most recently from a trip to Turks and Caicos, hence Ellie and Annies cool hair dos.
K is at a sleepover next door tonight with her bestest, bestest, bestest, bestest (you get the picture!) friends!

Monday, July 14, 2008
K's Sartorial Splendor
When I first mentioned that I wanted to start sewing for K, a couple of my friends heads spun around like something out of the Exorcist. Now that she is eight, I just can't find clothes that I like. K is a great sport and usually wears whatever I put out. She lives in Petite Bateau t-shirts which I bring home from Paris in bulk. Gone are the days of bishop dresses and she is gradually no longer wearing her bow. I shop in the usual places, Gap, Target, Old Navy, Mini Boden and Papo D'Anjo but have a hard time finding girlie clothes. So....on my last trip, I found a pattern that I liked in Paris and Liberty fabric in London and made this cute shirt. I have fabric to make two more. Guess I will have to go to London and Paris again for my next project-this could get expensive!

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Yesterday we hosted a pool party for 10 orphan children from Colombia who are in Atlanta for the summer through an organization called Kidsave. Kidsave is the organization that brought K to Atlanta in the summer of 2004-I was her summer host family and then decided to adopt her. The Colombian children are staying with host families who may adopt them or who will advocate to find adoptive families for them. Older children have little chance of being adopted so this is such a wonderful program. All of the children are adorable and so sweet. We had such a lively, fun afternoon. And, yes, it so hot we went though 200 freeer pops!

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